The browser crashed and hundreds of my active pages disappeared

Hundreds of my active pages disappeared when the browser crashed, and when I turned it back on, the “restore” button appeared, but nothing was restored, not a single page, I restarted the computer, it did nothing, there are no, hundreds of pages that I did not manage to save or read their contents because I put them off for someday. This situation forced me to create an account here and write about it, I had to break through my state of derealization, which emphasizes what a personal tragedy has happened. This is some kind of unfunny joke… And I praised this browser, and here such a thing… To make it funnier - manual search of the history is impossible because it was swamped with Twitter, which I did not use for several months and was automatically logged out, in addition, the browsing history ends just a few (I think 3) months back, what the heck is going on here?!

no idea what the fck is going on with brave lately, turned into a nightmare.

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Hi guys! Forgive me in advance for bringing you up on this topic, but I was looking for information about similar situations and came across your posts: @mistamista (Accessing Browser History and @temnix (Why does History only go back a few months?), the most similar situation to mine came from @Reco (How Can I Recovery my all tabs of my last session?), who opened pages a few months earlier, and after closing the browser lost access to them because they were not in the search history.

Why is it that when opening pages with multiple tabs, the ones that were opened some time earlier and not displayed on a given day did not automatically go into the history?

@mistamista @temnix @Reco have you been able to recover lost histories since you raised the problem?

I was looking for information on how to solve this problem and came across information about searching files stored on the user’s disk, but by the number of folders available and the files they contain, as well as my limited knowledge, I don’t quite know what to look for and basically don’t even know what I’m looking at - there’s too much of it.
The topic of searching files on disk was brought up by @calagurita (How do I find Brave’s old data in its Windows folder?) and @ThVas (Restore Brave browser data from folder)

I came across a thread on github about extending the history storage time, but other than support for this solution I didn’t find too much information there. I know (unfortunately after the fact) that there are extensions that allow extending the storage time, but I assume that these extensions do not restore what was automatically deleted :neutral_face:

@Saoiray maybe you know something about this topic? I’ve noticed that you are an active user and I’ve come across people you’ve helped with your knowledge :slight_smile:

@d3rik in terms of missing tabs, sometimes it can be reclaimed by using the commands to Reopen closed tab, which on Windows is Ctrl+Shift+T. You may have to continually keep hitting it until everything is open, but there’s obviously limits to this. Unfortunately, crashes tend to clear out cache. This means that information may not be able to be recovered.

In terms of History ending just 3 months back, that’s because that is the limit. This has been a thing for a while. This is essentially true for Chrome as well, as can see in their response to someone having an issue at

And you can see conversation from a year ago or so regarding Brave: and Longer browsing history than the 3 month default

Just to be clear, you know you can type words to search through History and don’t need to just scroll through it all, right?

Ctrl+Shift+T has only restored pages that were manually closed before the browser was crashed :neutral_face:

As I understand from the information provided at the attached links; this is a common problem, but despite this, Brave has no plans to make changes in the aspect of extending the history storage time despite many requests?

As for the manual search in addition to scrolling through the entire history to determine the date range, most of the closed pages I searched by phrases, despite the fact that a large part I remember, unfortunately, by just limited to such a short time history, I found only those that were displayed each time when turning on the browser.

What about the option to search the files that are responsible for the history and are stored on the user’s disk? The information from the attached links has no value?

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