The 3rd bookmark menu doesn't show

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Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. The problem that I’m experiencing is that when I open my bookmarks folder, I have a lot of them, I enter on the first level, then go to the next level or directory and the it appears behind the first level. I can’t access at all.

  2. The first level I counting when you click on the symbols >> to open the list of bookmarks. Since I have a lot, I created directories to organize then. The second level is the folder that I create on the “root” of bookmarks manager. Then the third level is the next folder that, for me, appears behind the first level.

  3. I don’t know if helps, but I tried to attach an image of it.

  4. I don’t know if I explain the situation clear enough, but it’s annoying because I spent some time to retrieve all bookmarks from my windows machine. I wasn’t so organized …

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Version 1.70.119 Chromium: 129.0.6668.70 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:

Just for reference, I am using an old Mac computer, and a version of Brave Browser that is 2 years old . . . and not having that problem.

Yeah, I thought I put this information on the post, but reviweing I see that I did not.
I’m using Pop OS 24.04 with the new Cosmic Desktop Environment. It could be it since is a new DE.
Anther problem that I just realize, is that if the browser is not full maximized, having the desktop or other applications showing behind, whatever menu appears outside the brave window will not work. at all. I just test it, and whatever app is behind it get focus.
I’ll add this in pop-os forum as well, just thought it could be a good info putting it here too. Thanks for your info @289wk

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