Could anyone advise me or assist me with Brave Browser?
Some website pages aren’t visible to me. I’ve tried to switch off ads blockers, shields etc… but the problem still occurs.
eg. On some pages, the image isn’t visible. On other pages I can’t create/edit the Shopify content as it’s not showing.
Thanks in advance
Please edit your Originail Post (OP) above, to include:
- Brave Browser version numbers
- Computing device OS numbers
Sounds like, you need to allow javascripts for the website.
Possible sources of cookies and javascripts for:
Tips regarding Brave Shields:
I have more success, with:
- Brave Shields UP
- Either Allow All Cookies or Block 3rd Party Cookies, but NOT Blocking All Cookies
- Allowing JavaScripts from specific sources, but NOT Allowing All JavaScripts
- Trackers & Ads treatment: Aggressive (at first), and then incrementally relaxing that setting
- Fingerprinting (aka footprinting) blocking: Strict (at first), and then incrementally relaxing that setting
I almost NEVER use:
- All of Brave Shields UP
- All of Brave Shields DOWN
Shields Basics
How do I configure global and site-specific Shields settings?
How do I use Shields while browsing?