Tabs issue and lack of support

I am unable to have sites open in the same tab Im currently on. Ive looked in browser settings myself and went through all options unable to find anything to do with tabs. I found many people with the same issue and no solutions, one of those people shared a link to brave settings where the option to turn off opening new tabs was available but already turned off. I have no way to resolve this without technical support that i cannot find any way to reach as well. Feeling like the privacy of brave is not worth the difficulty to have my browser running without 15000000 open tabs where everything is inevitably lost in the slew.

@motherheckin it’s hard to provide much help when you don’t wish to give any information. For example, what websites are you having issues with? What version of Brave are you using? Assuming you properly marked with the Windows tag, which version of Windows are you on?

The biggest though is referencing which links you’re referencing. For example:

Brave Community

If I click image here on this website, it will navigate there in my existing tab.


If I go to Google and do a search, such as Brave and then click on a result, such as the top one here…it stays in the same tab.


Clicked…navigated there in the same tab

X (Twitter)

If I click on the $PENGU link in this, guess what? Same tab!! Same with Home or anything else

You know where you don’t see that behavior? It would be places like Reddit. For example

Let’s say I click this to open the post:

It then opens in a new tab

Want to know why?

It’s because it’s how the website is coded.

From the screenshot, the key part to look at is the <a> (anchor) tag that specifies links. In this case, the attribute target="_blank" is present in the <a> tag, which dictates that clicking on the link will open it in a new tab or window.

So yes, in the given screenshot, the target="_blank" attribute in the link ensures that clicking on it will open in a new tab.

In Summary:

The behavior changes depending on the websites you’re on and how the links are coded. Brave generally is not going to override all web content to force everything to open in the same tab. Especially as it can break a lot of content across websites.

Am I misunderstanding anything?

All of the above said, if I’m misunderstanding your issue, it would be great if you could provide more details. But I’m pretty certain I touched on your issue.

Nope that was pretty clear, thank you. Do you know the code to replace the existing one so it will no longer do that? I may not speak the language very well but i navigate not too bad. Im sorry, Im terrible at explaining.

@motherheckin the code would be the HTML/CSS for the particular site. Each link they have there would have their own. It wouldn’t necessarily be a quick or easy thing to change.

But to answer, in what I shared the link Reddit created was:

<a href="/r/energydrinks/comments/1l1i8ww/aussie_lemonade" target="_blank">
  Aussie lemonade

You would have to remove the target="_blank" from it. That would then have:

<a href="/r/energydrinks/comments/1l1i8ww/aussie_lemonade">
  Aussie lemonade

You would have to change this for every single link.


The workaround, though annoying, would just be to copy the link. If I left click on that post, it will open in a new tab. But if I right click, copy address, and then paste it in the address bar it will stay in the same tab.

There could possibly be extensions that will do this for you. For example, a web search showed me Death To _blank but I do not know if it is safe to use. Any extensions always have a small risk of collecting your data or containing malware, so you would have to investigate and make a decision.