Tabs Below Address Bar

To fix what? It sounds like you have some issues with the direction we’ve taken and that you are experiencing some issues with the browser that you have pre-concluded as a failure on our part.

Shields UI works great. But if you navigate to a site that requires cookies to load properly, and you’re blocking cookies via Shields then…yeah, the site might break. Intead of dropping your Shields, try disabling cookies or putting in some level of effort to adjust your settings appropriately.

:point_up_2: I have no idea what you’re talking about here.

  • Our browser now runs 22% faster than it did before
  • We now support use of extensions in browser which, if you recall, was limited to only ~10 extensions in previous builds.
  • Browser comes packed with light, dark, and default themes - or you can also install your own due to the fact that we, again, support extensions.
  • Just like your first concern, the private tabs question has also been brought up and addressed beofore:

  • It’ also worth mentioning that they’re still there, just in window form now (private window or private window with Tor)
  • Some technical reasons for our transition from our CTO Brian Bondy can be found here:

Additionally, we’re currently working on:

  • Rounding out and adding new features to Brave Rewards
    • Also adding mobile support for BR
  • Pushing through testing of Brave Sync, which will ideally be out by the end of the year
  • Think it looks like Chrome? We have a litany of design changes yet to be implemented, read previous discussions here:
  • You can now block individually selected scripts from running - this function will also be applied to cookies and ads/trackers as well

But I digress.

Please try to remember that Brave is not Chrome, Firefox, or any other big browsing company - mainly in that we don’t have 1000’s of members on our team. Everything done has been done with a group of < 100 highly talented people with a specific vision in mind.

Brave is open source, our product is free, and support for our product is free. Our browser outperforms competitors, offers privacy and security features by default out of the box - all of this and more while building an new crypto-token project that integrates directly into the browser…at the same time.

If you’re that upset, you’re more than welcome to submit a pull request in our github and create/adjust any of the features you take issue with yourself. You can find build instructions, styles, and guides here: