Tab not recognized as playing audio

Description of the issue:

I am using the Brave Android browser on my Android phone.

If I use it to access an audio stream, such as

your browser works flawlessly. It RECOGNIZES that this is an audio stream, and it allows it to play in the background while I do other things with my phone. The tab which is playing the audio never gets suspended. This is as it should be.

BUT, if I access the audio from a Kiwi SDR radio, such as

your browser does NOT recognize the tab as playing audio (even though it is definitely playing audio), and, if I do something else with my phone while listening to the audio, it suspends itself after 10 minutes or so.

This is unacceptable.

Can this be fixed, so playing audio in the background from the Kiwi SDR is NEVER suspended?

Thank you!

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. visit
  2. begin playing audio
  3. minimize the browser/tab and do other things with the phone

Expected result:

Audio will keep playing and tab playing it will never get suspended because it is an audio source

Brave Version( check About Brave):


Mobile Device details


Additional Information:

Is this a website that you own/have developed? Additionally, are there any other sites you’ve experienced this behavior on?

At first glance, I’d wager this is an issue that may not be fixed given that it is a very specific/niche issue — almost all sites that play audio are (accurately) recognized as such by Brave.

Thanks very much for taking the time to respond.

No, I did not develop Kiwi SDRs. They are a popular platform for those who want to monitor over-the-air broadcasts. They have many nodes all over the planet, and each node has many users. This is just a partial list:

So far, this unwanted tab-discarding behavior happens on all Kiwi SDR nodes.

Strange thing is, Brave DESKTOP does recognize the Kiwi SDR tab as an audio stream. (The little speaker icon appears right on the tab.) Why would/should it be different in Brave for Android?

So, do you know how the Brave Anfroid browser recognizes a site with an un-discardable audio stream as being such. Is it by the site’s headers? (If so, why, as I asked before, is it that desktop browsers – including Brave’s – DO recognize the Kiwi SDR stream as an audio stream? They seem to universally be able to do that. But not Android mobile browsers like Brave for Android.)

Could I append a non-functional keyword into the url I use to access the Kiwi SDR so as to “inform” the Brave for Android browser that this is an audio stream tab that should never be discarded? (I tried appending */icecast/stream but it made no difference.)

Or do I have to go to the Kiwi SDR developers and ask them to do something to the headers they send?

I have spent many, many hours trying to find an Android browser that does not suspend unwatched tabs, but they don’t seem to exist any more. Even ones which have an option to not do that, do it anyway. (It’s as if some “higher authority” has decided what’s good for us. Shades of Windows!)

Really want to solve this problem. It’s unbelievably maddening to have my audio have to be restarted every few minutes, and being tethered to a charging wire isn’t an option.

Thanks again!

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