Sync code freezes tab and not working

i’ve had this sync code for more than three years i formated my pc and installed brave again and i had the sync code saved and when i try to put the sync code the tab just freezes and when i reopen there is nothing on the sync, its like its bugged or something please help.

Update Brave Browser: Ensure that you have the latest version of Brave installed. Sometimes, older versions might not be compatible with the sync code generated by newer versions.
Check Sync Code Length: Brave sync codes are typically 25 words long. If your code is shorter, it might be incomplete or outdated.
Manually Enter Sync Code: Instead of pasting the sync code, try typing it manually. Sometimes, pasting can introduce hidden characters that cause issues.
Clear Browser Cache: Go to Brave settings and clear your browser cache. This can sometimes resolve freezing issues.
Reinstall Brave: Uninstall Brave and then reinstall it. Make sure to back up any important data before doing this.
Use QR Code: If you have another device with Brave installed and synced, you can use the QR code option to sync your devices.
Best Regards


I’m experiencing the same issue with syncing in Brave. I’ve had my sync code saved for years, but after formatting my PC and reinstalling Brave, the tab freezes when I try to input the sync code. When I reopen Brave, the sync data isn’t there, and it seems like there’s a bug. Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Best regards,