@badbug911 you’re speaking on a couple different things, so let’s break it apart.
Correct. On chain payments are only gradually being released and is by invitation only. You can read more about that at my topic and the links I share at PSA: Current and upcoming changes to Rewards and Creators
Correct. Most countries can only use Uphold. Then there is BitFlyer for Japan and ZebPay for India. That’s it.
Uphold not allowing accounts from Jamaica at this time. You can see this at Uphold’s website at https://support.uphold.com/hc/en-us/articles/360026786712-Non-Supported-Jurisdictions
This is what Thrive tried to tell you earlier.
Correct. If you didn’t already have an Uphold account, then you won’t be able to link anything since Uphold is not allowing new accounts from your country. The only thing you can do is wait patiently until either Uphold starts allowing accounts or until Brave makes on chain payments available to you.
Nope, that has absolutely nothing to do with you