
Description of the issue:

Newsletter appears at the bottom right.

Exact URL of the website in question:

Screenshot of the ad as it appears in Brave

Brave version (check About Brave):


Hello @dbcommunity

Thank you for reaching out and sorry to hear you’re having trouble with blocking Newsletter popup. Our best recommendation is to use this link you can block it using aggressive mode.

Additionally if you are still seeing popups you can enable these filters Fanboy Annoyances List and uBlock Annoyances List to block most ads and trackers on the web. To select them click on this link: brave://settings/shields/filters then on filters list, search and check on the boxes corresponding to the ones mentioned previously.

Let us know if that helps!

Hi again! @dbcommunity

I wanted to know if the issue was solved?


Yes, this has been resolved. Thanks for checking.

Hi @dbcommunity

I’m happy that for now the issue is solved. If you have any additional question or the issue comes back let us know.

Have a great day. :wave:

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