Storing BAT in other walltet then those 2 ur giving

I tried to go to that page but its say " Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private."

Description of the issue: yes im using new brave wallet and i basicly dont have problem with it or with app its just i would like to strore BAT in some wallet and those 2 u gave us to use ale rly tragic and i MEAN RLY 70% comments people say its sa scam or money didint went thoru i dont even want to make account on that crap can i use other wallet even your browser wallet is better then those two honestly Gemini and Uphoulrd is just garbage u should try to find other partner or just add 3rd option becouse i rly enjoy your browser but i refuse to use those scammers wallets

Brave Version (check About Brave):
Wersja 1.37.109 Chromium: 100.0.4896.60

Additional Information: just check comments on Google Play… and not only there … its horrible

Gemini and Uphold are not related to the self custody wallet.

I tried to go to that page but its say " Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private

What page? You said “that page” but I don’t see a link

Hard for me to say what it was when i was filling the form there was some ready link and below questions to fill so i did ly issue was with those wallets

U say they are not related byt to verify those are only two options

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