Starting with the letter "j" in the empty address bar crashes Brave immediately

Description of the issue:

If I start to type in the address bar with the letter “j”, the browser crashes immediately.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

Type the letter “j” in the address bar while it is empty.

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

The browser just hangs until it crashes. Nothing else happens.

Expected result:

The address bar just has a j in it and I can keep typing.

Reproduces how often:

Every single time without fail.

Brave Version(about:brave):

Version 1.74.51 Chromium: 132.0.6834.160 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Reproducible on current live release (yes/no):

I assume I’m on the live release, so yes.

Additional Information:

I’ve tried clearing browser history and changing search engine to google, but no luck fixing it.

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@Mattches ,

Might be related:

First, can you please launch Brave and go to brave://crashes and share the crash report IDs with me here so we can take a look at whats going on on our end? Additionally, are you saying that the browser crashes if “there is a ‘j’ in the search bar at any time, in any place?”

That is, if you type “Brave is great!” into the search bar, the browser will be fine but if you type “Brave is just great!”, then the browser will crash?

It looks like it resolved itself, I’m not sure why though. I don’t recall doing any system resets or anything, I just moved to chrome for a while and kept testing Brave randomly.

Anyway, when I go to brave:://crashes there are no crash report IDs unfortunately.

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No worries — glad it got resolved even if we don’t know how. Will leave this thread open for a while in case the issue occurs again.

Looks like it’s happening again, this time when I click the empty address bar. I checked that brave crashes page but there’s nothing there! I checked to make sure crash reporting is on and it seems to be.

Can you please launch Brave and go to Menu --> More tools --> Guest profile to launch a guest profile window. Then, close your original profile window and try to visit a site in the guest profile. Does the browser still crash?