Someone receives more than 0.005 bat per ad?

someone receives more than 0.005 bat per ad?

hello, the month of october I getting .005 .01 and .025 BAT randomly on notification ads and .01 BAT on all image ads
and now since November 1 I have not received more than 0.005 bat per ad

now I receive only 0.005 bat in all notification ads and 0.005 bat in all image ads

what’s going on with brave?
In the catalog of my region (US)
there are many ads of more than 0.005 bat and it only gives me only .005 bat per ad
rewards are supposed to be randomized and not only from .005 bat

how can i resolve this error on brave so that it keeps giving me different amounts of bat randomly?
as before and not only .005 bat

could you solve this please?
this happens in brave beta 1.32.76 (64-bit) and brave Brave Release 1.31.88 (64-bit) with windows 10
The same thing happens on my cell phone

in windows 10 create another profile in brave beta and brave Brave Release account to verify and problem persists

These numbers are expected to fluctuate. Please read the following post for more information:

does this happen to everyone in the region (US) or is it just me?

which regions currently receive .01 bat and .025 bat

can you tell me approximately how long this will last?

BAT had a spike around the end of October to almost 1.2€ / 1.35$. I guess ads quotas and expenses must have been decided around this time. As far as I understand, when BAT is “bearish” we get .01 and above, when it’s “bullish”, it’s .005.

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