Some website is really bright and affected others with white background

I’ve had this same exact issue for the past day or so. I tried reinstalling to no avail. The version I am running is on Windows 10 Version 1.40.105 Chromium: 103.0.5060.53 (Official Build) (64-bit).

It is extremely bright to the point that it’s like a flashbang: hurts to look at and is basically unreadable. Not to mention, if it happens on one site, it affects the whole browser.

Here is one site which only became like this when I clicked one of the links to a site that had a lot of white.

The site that caused the previous one to get real bright:

Finally, here’s the site that caused this problem yesterday:

The only thing that fixes it is restarting the browser. But you never know if you’re going to encounter a web page that causes it (it could even be just a tab you have up that you reawaken by clicking on it that causes it to happen). Even on here, I can tell the website is way too bright.

I followed this solution, mistaking it for high contrast and not high brightness, but it only showed that restarting the browser temporarily fixes it.

I don’t know if there was a silent update that caused this or what, but I would appreciate it being looked into.