Since the last update, login does not work on some websites


I run Brave on a Macbook Pro with the Apple M1 chipset.
The current Brave version is 1.23.71 Chromium: 90.0.4430.72 (Build officiel) (arm64)

So since the last update, I cannot login to some websites such as coinlist, kraken and so on…
I removed all cookies and user preferences from Brave, but it still does not work.

Both websites work properly on chrome & safari.

What error message shows up on these sites when the login fails? Couple of screenshots?

Can you try manually typing the username and password?

Also, try disabling fingerprinting, does that help

Hi @Ennicolem

I had a same issue. I found out it is a problem with fingerprinting in the latest version of Brave.

Go to Settings → Security → Fingerprinting and deactivate it. Then you should be able to login to those sites.

Yes! Thanks a lot @knatter , that was indeed the issue.
Problem solved!

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