Simple solution that just might help if your BAT payment's aren't moving

This is just a hunch and a bit of a shot in the dark but, I didn’t get my BAT paid for two months but then I realized that Brave wasn’t automatically updating the browser even though I had the setting set on auto. This month I was able to receive the payments and it might just be because I manually updated the browser to the newest version. I’ll never know for sure but if you haven’t, check if you don’t actually have outdated version.


It may have been a coincidence. As a publisher, most likely your channels are independent of your own browser usage. I am also waiting for the BAT in my publisher account to be transferred to Uphold (last transaction was Feb 2021). I’ve sent the DM to the appropriate person, but there hasn’t been anything happening for several days as of this message.

Glad that you got yours!

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