Signed up my Youtube for publisher rewards, but Youtube channel still listed as unverified

You show as verified for me:

Try these instructions to force your browser to update the new publishers list:

Instructions: You need to go your Brave-browser folder under $AppData$/local . (If this is not right, go to /roaming instead.) Therein, you will find a folder called Default and then a file inside there called publishers_list and publisher_info_db . With your browser exited/closed, you should rename these to something else like backup-publishers_list-old and OLDpublisher_info_dbOLD (or anything else you want), and then start Brave again.

Watch that folder until your browser downloads a fresh version of the publishers_list and creates a new publisher_info_db . This fresh version should contain your verified channels. From there, check the verification status again on a YouTube video of yours.

If you are on Mac, it is the same process, except your brave-browser folder is under Library/Application Support/Brave Software/brave-browser.