Security Vulnerability - Wallet Interface Only Shows Gas Fees, Hides Token Transfer Amounts During Transaction Approval

Description of the issue:
On December 25th, 2024, this interface vulnerability was exploited resulting in an unauthorized transfer of 26,001,332.21 PBX tokens. The wallet interface only showed ETH gas fees in the approval popup, with no indication that PBX tokens would be transferred.

Request: Please update the wallet interface to clearly display ALL assets being transferred in both the popup and main wallet interface, not just gas fees. This is a critical security feature needed to prevent similar exploits.

Is the issue occurring on a specific network?
All Networks

What operating system are you using?
macOS Sequoia Version 15.2

Brave Version (check About Brave):
Version 1.73.104 Chromium: 131.0.6778.204 (Official Build) (arm64)

Additional Information:

These transactions said the same thing in the pop up when I was completing them 0TH. It did not say I was transferring all my PBX, and said a total of 0ETH, and just transactions fee. If the pop up and this transactions description showed the correct full detailed information I would never have completed a scam transaction.