Run brave browser on company computers

i am working in a company as tech support i want to know what happen if i install brave on our company computers with concern of owner and operator and can i donate bat to my own site or company site if they not donated to someone with there concern…
i am not breaking any law @steeven


Just give referrals for installing in your company computers don’t self tip

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Can I ask them to donate on company website or just

Don’t off auto donation

What I need to do. With full leagal and pure way…

Hey, in this case you must talk to your leads to install this new browser and let them understand the use of it.

If they grant you permission then you can go with this and inform them to turn auto contribute toggle off as well. It’s totally the users wish, what to do with the browser.

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Once after getting confirmation with your leads, you can install it with your referral code. That will be beneficial to you. :thinking::blush::grin:

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