Rewards not showing

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**not getting rewards for viewing brave ads. After viewing brave notification ads. …
Click triangle in address bar and shows 1.7 bat and no activity for April.
Click the three dot, go to ‘brave rewards’, it shows 1.8 bat and no activity for april.

And if the rewards I have are not from April, when do they move to my uphold sccount?
Description of the issue:**

How can this issue be reproduced?

1.view ad, click triangle, click three dots= no change the two ways of viewing rewards do not change, and they report different amounts.

**expect rewards earned to change

**Brave Version( check About Brave):**1.5.131

Mobile Device detailssamsung 7

Additional Information:

I face same issue and i see brave community
No one is answering

@Mnkase go to chrome:rewards and click View details in the Ads section. There you’ll find the earning estimation for this month.

Yes, going to
chrome:rewards IS where I get to when clicking on the ‘three dots>Brave rewards’
= “april activity, No Activity yet”

AND the my wallet on this page shows a different amount of bat than my wallet when clicking on the triangle in my address bar.

AND if the bat in my wallet are not from this month, when will they be transferred to my uphold account?

Again. :point_up:

View details


This “No activity” message is referring to the wallet activity. If you have no auto-contribute/tip/etc then it’s expected to show “No activity”.

Can’t. On mobile, all BAT you earned will be deposited to your chrome:rewards wallet. Wallet verification is only available on desktop. Mobile support is coming.

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ahh, thx
whoda thunk earning rewards would not have been activity.

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