Rewards Missing and Reset To Zero For New Month

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Briefly describe your issue:

**What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?Windows, [
Version 1.32.113 Chromium: 96.0.4664.45 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no) no - unable to link based on reigon

What date did you verify your wallet? n/a

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past? no

Are you using a VPN? (yes/no) no

**Are you in a supported region for list of supported regions)?**yes

**Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold??**yes

Briefly describe your issue: I had 0.677 bat rewards for the month of November, today dec 1 when i saw my bat rewards it reset to zero and doesn’t show last months rewards in payment’s pending also. Please I request anyone to resolve this issue. :pray:t3: :neutral_face:

**What Operating System and Brave version are you using? Windows 10 , [
Version 1.32.113 Chromium: 96.0.4664.45 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no) No

What date did you verify your wallet? n/a

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past? Yes

Are you using a VPN? (yes/no) No

Are you in a supported region for list of supported regions)? Yes

Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold?? Yes

i lost my 1.090 BAT today

Please note that yesterday was the end of the payment period and the counters in the Rewards UI are expected to reset as it is the start of a new month. You should now see a estimated time of arrival in the UI:

I think Brave devs should tweak a little thier design in which, they lay out BAT counter for instance.
months-view-panel so users know what happend more easily otherwise we will be complaining like this.

the fact that one has no verified wallet shall not mean that they have the right to reset all the precious progess.

I tried brave browser out in November (therefore I hadn’t previously received any payments) and this morning (December 1st, 2021 ~07:00AM) after browsing the news, i opened a new tab then the BAT counter dropped to 0.10

Version 1.31.88 Chromium: 95.0.4638.69 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)

I hadn’t got it verified neither uphold or gemini, just local brave wallet


supported region?
region 18

SafetyNet check?
I’m using PC

and yes I did manualy turned Auto-contribute off, eventhough I am not linked neither with uphold or gemini.

screenshot taken from brave://rewards
as anyone can see the 1st and 2nd images show now ad or BAT history
but if stare to the 3rd one you’ll notice that I started browsing since November 6th, 2021

the 4th image was taken after opening a new tab at 16:53PM
so it seems all my precious progress has been lost

did you have contribute on and maybe set to contribute 1

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me too, yes I did manualy turned Auto-contribute off, eventhough I am not linked neither with uphold or gemini.

to see if I understood you correctly; So all the users who did not receive the October payment on Android devices, Win 10, etc., is absolutely nothing? was over?! for real? It is a joke?!

I’m simply pointing out that some users may be confused by the fact that the payment period for earnings in the month of November has started, which resets all Rewards counters for the new month.

I also have not had any of November rewards/ads acknowledged as free earned bat in the reader and so far nothing for December either. I have received without any issue to my verified Uphold from inception of switching to this Brave browser -otherwise all my answers are pretty much mirrored and I did just upgrade brave but nothing that I can tell is changed and still no tally on the reader yet the search bar symbol always shows a check and I am not stoked that this has not been solved when it was clearly working without issue before.

Eu tinha 6,25 BAT acumulados, depois que conectei minha carteira da Uphold foi pago somente os 0,250 e os 6 BAT sumiram
