Rewards and reffering people

Well, i got 4bats which is 0.95usd by using a week… I got that… I claimed the tokens but its not been transferred to my uphold account. Plz help me in withdrawing it. And how can i refer… There is no option for sharing…

Please help me clear up some things:

Are you referring to your wallet within your Brave browser? Did you get those 4 BAT for receiving notifications?

Or do you have a Brave Publisher account and did you get 4 BAT as tips through your website?

If you are talking about your browser: There is no link between your browser wallet and your Uphold account. There is no way to connect these two. So there is no way for the BAT to somehow appear in your Uphold account.
Your BAT cannot be withdrawn from the browser wallet currently. The Brave developers are working on a more advanced wallet and on partnerships to use BAT to pay for things. For now you can either donate your BAT to websites you like, or save them until you have more options.
The claiming you mentioned might have been for moving your ad rewards into your browser wallet. Before that, they appear in chrome://rewards/ads as “Estimated pending rewards”.

In case you have a Brave Publisher account and you are talking about your balance there, please let me know here.

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Hi @Devojeet, Welcome to community!

Thanks @Medjan for your insights!

@Devojeet, just let us know if there’s anything else that we can help to answer!

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Yeah its my brave publisher account… As i an using it .it gaved me free token bat… I cant withdraw it for now right?.

If the problem is your publisher account, does this look similar to the section in your dashboard?

In other words, do you have a verified Uphold account that has been successfully linked to your Publisher account? If yes, then the amount displayed at the top of your dashboard will be moved to your Uphold account on 8th of August approximately.

Regarding your question to the Referral program: Once you added a website / YouTube / Twitter / Reddit / … at the bottom in your dashboard, at the bottom right there will be a “Referral Link” button.

(I’m still not sure if we are really talking about your Publisher account here. As far as I know you don’t claim BAT there, they just show up. Claiming BAT happens here > chrome://rewards/ads < But you say the BAT we are talking about are not at that link?)

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