Remove Windows Logon Requirement from Password Editing

Everytime the browser doesn’t fill a password in then I need to go to the Password manager to find out what that password is and then I’m constantly annoyed by the p-i-t-a (<-really censoring) requirment for a Window’s password to be able to view my passwords.

Either remove the requirment or give me a setting to override it.

The only way someone is getting my passwords using my keyboard is by stealing my laptop or desktop. If I loose my phone or someone steals it I’m more concerned about the phone than my passwords.

This is an important security feature and it will not be removed. It is also fairly standard practice for web browsers — checking just now, Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi, and Edge all implement this same functionality. It also helps protect you not only from the scenario you describe where your machine itself is stolen, but also from online attackers/exploits.

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