Reinstalled Brave and it automatically sent 20$ to brave publishers

Description of the issue: Reinstalled brave on a device that had already been signed in and upon first launch it auto contributed 20$ to brave publishers.
reproduce by installing brave don’t change settings off the default then uninstall wait a month and reinstall and it will send 20$ away by default

I already contacted uphold but they can’t reverse it or refund it. Is this the right place to request this?

@Paxpress hi sent a dm to steeven, with the info requested in the next img, also attach screenshots from uphold transactions and wait for his reply, please

If you think he is taking too long to reply, then talk to him from the same dm thread, please

Sent all this into dm of steeven

I’m not exactly sure how to respond in the DM hopefully its ok that I posted that here. Do I need a screenshot of the full uphold page or is what I provided sufficient?

your bat were sent to brave publisher from uphold>?

Yes. I reinstalled brave on a machine that had it previously and was still signed into my uphold and it auto contributed because that was on by default.

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