Hi dear brave community i share my ref. link in my group and there is about 50 refferal is download from my ref. link but i see still zero on my account why ?
Hi @muratakpinar,
You’ll only get paid for conformed referral. Confirmed referral mean that that new users already use Brave for 30 days.
yes but there is zero downloaded no any but im sure there is more than 50 person is downloaded because all pm to me
https://brave.com/mur606 this is my ref link
Did they only download Brave? Downloaded mean that they download Brave using your referral link + install it + use it. There’s a check when Brave is opened for the first time.
cc @asad for additional assistance here
yes of course they are download and using still also i ask all but why zero download on my accoung? there is serius problem
ilk başta ben de görülmüyordu,tip attıktan sonra referralda görülmeye başladı.İstersen söyle bir yerlere tip atsınlar
varsa at sen bakayım
Ben değil senin linkinden tarayıcıyı indirip kullanmaya başlayan bir yere tip atacak.Ondan sonra referral olarak görülmeye başlıyor.
şuan 40 bat gozukuyor ama atamıyorum 1 ay sonraya tarih cıkıyor malesef neyse bakacam
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