Receiving credits only form first ad for Brave news ads in 1-2 hours

@AMIT291 try checking where it shows you ad campaigns in your area. If you look closely, it shows you maximum ad views, when campaigns start/end, how much they pay, which type of ad they are, etc. For example, here are some ad campaigns in USA:

Guess let me break down the part:

Campaign Dates


Left side is when ads from the campaign could start showing and the right side is when it ends. In the case of this ad example, it only is showing one day only. So it’s a short campaign.


This is how much BAT we get when we view those ads. So this particular ad campaign is paying 0.01 BAT per ad, which is a nice range. (Many only do like 0.005 or so)


View Limits

This is per day/week/month/total. Meaning the left number is the maximum times you can see ads from that campaign in a single day, in a week, in a whole month, or total. Most ad campaigns don’t do weekly or monthly limits, but instead just do a daily and total limit.



Would obviously be which OS it’s targeting. So in this screenshot it’s covering them all. It’s Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, and Windows. But some campaigns will target only Windows or something. So it’s important to notice this.



Then we’ll see an ad card preview. It will display what it seen in the ad, though not necessarily images. But one of the important things to check here is the upper right. It will either say

  • IC for Inline Content which would be shown in Brave News
  • PN for Push Notification which is ad notification
  • SI = Sponsored Image, which is New Tab Page ads.

The one below is a SI, meaning it will only be able to be seen on New Tab Page.

The point of me telling you all of this:

If you’re saying that you aren’t getting anything other than Brave product ads on Brave News, then you may want to check that list to see how many campaigns have IC ads in your area. Then when you find them, you’ll want to take a look at when those campaigns began, when they end, what OS they target, and the view limits.

Obviously if the campaign started long ago and you’re regularly checking Brave News for ads, then you likely have reached the view limits. At which point it would make sense that only Brave product ads or nothing at all would be shown to you.

You’ll find the majority of paid ads tend to be SI or PN. There are IC ads but they are pretty rare in comparison.

And sometimes ads are niche. Like this one is for Mac only. It started on October 15 and ends on December 31. This means it is running for 443 days. But when checking view limits, it says can only see 1 per day, total of 25 times maximum. This means a person could max out on the views of this ad campaign within 25 days, give or take, even though the campaign lasts for over 400 days.

This is a good tool to use to check on things.

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