Question about the new native Brave Wallet

Is this strictly for Brave rewards or is it a generally usable crypto wallet?

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from what I read, usable, can convert to other coins etc…funny Ive been asking for this and its exciting its finally happening…that said I dont want to sell my BAT, I still wish they offered yield farming or staking for our BAT

Hello all,
Please see for more info on using Brave Wallet



How is the migration of my currencies and other contracts done? I have several contracts and currencies in my old wallet … In the new wallet they do not appear even after installing the binance smart change network

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Me and others have the same trouble than you (Knoxx). Since the launch of the new Brave Wallet some people cannot check/access to their original/old brave adress, even with the original/primary seedphrase, where our other currencies are.

Thanks for Nicely Solution and Information

Could you explain more about how you setup the new wallet? Was it via the restore from seed phrase option or via the import? Do you see another address?

If your seed phrase is 24 words, remember to select the legacy Brave Wallet option when restoring.

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You’ll need to add the list of assets via the edit visible assets button on brave://wallet and add any other networks that you use that are EVM compatible from a site like or from settings.

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Before anything else, I must say Thanks for your response and interest Brian, I really appreciate it.

My situation is that I had my old Brave account/adress linked with a Metamask account, then, when the new Brave wallet was launched I imported the Metamask account (which as I previously said was linked with the Brave account).
Right now, just the Metamask account appears as primary account, the point is that I have the old Brave seed and Metamask seed, but the primary acc/adress now in the new Brave wallet is just the Metamask one, but as both were linked I am stuck because I need both to access funds.
I’d really appreciate if you could give me any orders to solve my trouble, Thanks again for your time and work Sir.

You can unlock your wallet then go to brave://wallet/crypto/accounts and add accounts there. You can either just add an account if it was an account created from your seed originally. Or if it is a completely independent key then just export your private key from one of the other wallets and then import into Brave Wallet on that same tab. Just go to Add Account and then in the Import tab you’ll be able to import a private key.