Processes with no windows using network

Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

1.Windows 11, Task Manager shows additional processes running and using network. These process continue to run even after quiting all windows. They are using about 1.5 Mbps of network and caused me to go over my 500 GB/Mo limit. I have seen these processes start by themselves when I’m not running Brave and Task Manager shows no Brave processes, they show up and start to use the network. I’ve uninstalled Brave and reinstalled and it happens again. The proceses are running but there are no Brave Windows. I have turned off the “continue to run back ground processes” and this continues. Brave is currently not installed to prevent this network access. Of the 13 or so processes running, only one is accessing the network. When that process is killed, it comes back a few seconds later. Looking at my network usage this behaviour started about mid to late June. Since it creates the processes without any windows running, trying in incognito wouldn’t help. I am running Chrome right now and I do not see this behaviour (ie, it’s not a different app starting a hidden browser window since the default is now Chrome - unless it’s Brave specific). Anti-virus is not showing any unusual activity or apps. Thanks

Expected result: These processes do not run.

Brave Version( check About Brave): Latest version from at least Aug 1

Additional Information:

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