Problems installing webapps on android

I am on a samsung galaxy S9Fe tablet. I would like to install some sites, like YouTube Music, as webapps, but when I install them they only remain on the home page and not on the application page.

However, I noticed that when I install web apps with chrome, they are also inserted into the applications page. I wish I could do the same thing with brave, given its built-in Adblock.

Thanks for the support

@Bloris can you clarify what you mean when you say the “applications page”? Are you referring to the Android System’s “Apps” page (on your Android device, Settings --> Apps)? Or are you referring to when you swipe up (on most devices) to view all installed applications?

I ask because I just tested this with Chrome on my Android device by visiting YouTube, adding it to the home screen and checking both the places mentioned above but I do not see it appear there.

as per on my experience, installing webapps in chromium based browser adds the app to the homescreen, not in the app menu. i am also a samsung user.

Thanks for the reply.

However, let’s say that I don’t mean in the settings, but when I simply pull up and find all the applications installed.

In this screen I find all the web apps I have installed with Chrome, for example I use an application called Affine and I installed it via Web App.

You can try it too through YouTube Music, two YouTube Music will appear in the application screen because one is through the Play Store the other and via the WebApp.

I would like this to happen even when I install a web app with Brave, and not just with Chrome

@Bloris I believe because this is an actual app that already exists, it is installing in this way. So it’s important to make the distinction between installing a site “as an app” (like YT music) and installing a site as a “shortcut”.

When testing with YT Music, you’re correct in that if you do so through Chrome, you get the app itself installed as opposed to Brave, where you get the shortcut. That said, it is curious why it installs the app (when done through Chrome), but then if you view that app in the Play Store, it still shows up as though it has not yet been installed.

At any rate, I assume that the Android team has removed this specific type of web app functionality due to privacy/security concerns but I’ve reached out to them for clarification on this.