Problem linking Uphold account

Hello, I created a new brave creators account.When I tried to connect it to my uphold account I get this error :

“Could not establish Uphold connection. It looks like your Uphold account is already connected to another Brave Creators account. Your Uphold account can only be connected to one Brave Creators account at a time.”

The problem is that I don’t remember the email associated with the previous brave creators account. So I can’t connect to it unlink my uphold account.

What can I do ? Is there a way to know the email associated with registred domain on brave creators ?

Thank you.

You could check all mail accounts and search for email from BRAVE CREATORS
The email looks similar to this

The problem is I already did this an not able retrieve the email.

Umm. Maybe you could try going to the Uphold app and in the ‘More’ tab → Integrations → Remove Integration having site URL

That is just something I can think of at the moment. Try and revert back if that worked!

I guess, only Brave support can help.

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Well, easy way would be to test your email addresses that you own. Just inputting them would eventually get you to the one that you used and you would see it connected to Uphold. You would think it’s one you were using and not some disposable email or whatever. Not sure how many emails you use where this would be troublesome for you.

Not necessarily. Can’t even say if Brave would help you with this information. It’s kind of an awkward thing of “hey, tell me what my email account is.” Especially when you consider how “privacy first” Brave tries to be.

That said, your best bet in trying to get assistance would be to create a Creators Support Ticket at and make sure as part of the information you provide, you include your Uphold ID. Otherwise they are just going to be looking at whatever might be associated with the email you provide to them.

In term of emails tests I already test everythings. In the past I was using redirections email to classify emails so impossible to guess. Plus I have a note with an email saying it’s for brave account but this not work. I wouldn’t post here If I didn’t already tested all my mails.

You are right :smile:

So I will try the support.

Thank you everyone for your help.

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