Private window with Tor

Yeah, I discovered this morning that both Windoes Defender and Malwarebytes are trapping Brave when TOR is activated. But even with Defender turned off and Malwarebytes closed, I still cannot use TOR to access any website, even gmail.

The problem is serious for two reasons, the other reason being this: If Brave TOR requires users to disable virus and malware protection, it leaves open for infiltration the very people who most need security. Its almost like Brave wants security down in order to make TOR users vulnerable to , well, to state actors who might have a keen interest in identifying TOR users. That’s just just speculation, but a program that requires shields down in order to function should not be included in a browser that boasts of its privacy and security. Take down the TOR option until you gt it right, Brave. End users are not your test sled.