Description of the issue:
Set up: DoH working in normal Brave Window.
Failure: File -> New Private Window
Error: DNS requests are send to port 53/udp in clear and DoH is no longer being used in private window. Oops.
Expected result:
DoH to continue to work inside Private Window
Brave Version( check About Brave
Version 1.1.20 Chromium: 79.0.3945.74 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Additional Information:
Similar problem is with private VPN extensions such as NordVPN: When opening a new private window then the default extension configuration is to DISABLE NordVPN. This can be controlled under extensions settings (“Settings -> Extensions -> Manage Extensions -> NordVPN -> Details -> Allow in private”). This however is hard to find and a trap for any consumer who uses NordVPN and trusts that ‘private window’ would make it more private
Expencted behaviour: NordVPN default should be to be available in private window.
Even worse, and somewhat related: “New Private Window with TOR” also disables NordVPN meaning that TOR traffic goes directly via the ISP and not via NordVPN - possible fatal for users who are using TOR in countries where TOR is not allowed and are expecting the TOR traffic to go through NordVPN first.