Prevent brave from muting a tab

Use case description
If in a tab a sound is played a little sound icon appears next to the tab title. When no further sound is played in the tab, the sound icon remains visible for around 4 seconds until it fades away.
If now a new sound is played, the sound is not directly noticeable. Only after ca. half a second the sound is noticeable.

The problem
Consider player a board game, where every 5 seconds a move is made and a click sound appears. With the describes behavior from above, you would never hear the sound. Also, when a sound is started playing, the first half second is not played.

Feature request
A: Create the possibility to never fade out any sound on a specific tab. Then the sound of that tab would always be played.
B: Create an option in which the user can specify the time interval, after which the tab is automatically being muted.