Prevent brave from downloading malicious custom filter lists

When brave updating custom filter lists, brave should download the list into a secure cloud sever and verify the code/lists that nothing is malicious (or isolated environment that is not on our device), then download it into our system, or if it was found malicious, remove the filter list from the shield settings right after it found out that it is malicious, and give user a notification in their browser (maybe a popup banner on the bottom corner) about the filter list being removed.

Reason: Not all people can check their filter list and know when it is changed, and sometimes the AV installed on the users device doesn’t catch the malicious file downloaded by the browser itself, so this would be a good feature to have.

Goal: Prevent any malicious lists/files from downloading onto anyone using brave, if the browser can handle that and doesn’t need to rely on AV that would be great.

Explanation: In brave settings, shields, add custom filter lists, brave checks and update your custom filter lists, but it doesn’t take into account if the filter list had been change to something malicious. Microsoft defender had been giving me notification of severe threats around every hour that i leave my laptop on. The place that the malicious file appear is inside C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser-Nightly\User Data\Default\Download Service\Files. Tried clearing browser cookies, and resetting browser in settings, and deleteing temp files in appdata does not work beacuse i still get notification from window defender that something malicious is trying to be downloaded on my device but failed. Tried malwarebytes virus scan but it found nothing, probably because window defender deleted the download before it does anything . Untill i found the issue that one of my brave filters download failed. When i try to update by manually clicking the update button, the microsoft threat notification appeared, at the same place where the threat was found, which shows that the custom filter list that I had trust before had been linked into something malicious. (I do not know the link to the malicious filter list, i just hit removed and i stopped getting threat notifications).

My guess is: AdBlock filter lists are not stored at that location, but @fanboynz would know.