Phone freezes every time with custom content filters on Android

Description of the issue:
I have been using Kiwi Browser with uBlock Origin on my phone for a long time. Recently I wanted to move to Brave, but the content filtering feature is just horrible. Every time I add my adblock lists URLs from uBO to Brave and restart Bravr, my phone freezes and sites do not load.
This is not a new issue either. I tried Brave last year as well and the same thing happened. (App crashes / Phone freezes etc.)
THIS IS THE ONLY THING STOPPING ME FROM USING BRAVE ON ANDROID. I do not know how such a crucial feature has not been fixed yet and it is horrible.
Kindly fix this broken app ASAP.

Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off?

Does the ad appear when using a Private window as well? (yes/no)
Not related.

What OS are you using when you see the ad?
Android 11. Also unrelated. My phone needs to stop freezing first before I get to check if I can see any ads or not. (lol)

Brave version (check About Brave):
Brave - Nightly 1.67.15, Chromium 124.0.6367.29

Which custom content filters?

I tried adding all basic filters included with uBO as well as some custom filters.

Many of these are already included, so you’re doubling up.
Also we don’t support many of the Adguard rules so that may also cause issues

Normally duplicate rules are not a performance issue for content blockers because blockers try to merge all lists to one big list before starting to work. This of course is supposed to deduplicate the rules. So, if this is problem in Brave, then I think this is a issue.

This also should not be causing the phone to freeze or crash. The default behavior should be ignoring unrecognized rules.

So, overall, I think the problem lies with Brave. Crashes and Freezing issues are not supposed to happen that easily.

I would like to add that a year ago when I tried to simply select some more lists from brave settings that would cause my phone to crash / freeze. Forget about custom lists. So, this is an performance issue with Brave regardless.

Phone freezes will because of performance, it will either be list or incompatibility with said list. The only suggestion here, go through disable each until its working. Then you can see which one its causing it.

If you want a fast, optimised browser, the less the lists the better.

Thanks for the suggestion. Maybe using brave is simply not worth it when I am getting better performance with more lists used on uBO kiwi.

I have already made my points clear on why this an issue with brave. If my 6GB ram phone freezes and crashes every time with only brave opened, I am not sure how can Brave even claim to be performant here.

I don’t have enough energy also to try debug which blocklist is causing this issue (if even that is the real reason of the freezes) when it is causing my phone to freezes every time I flip a switch on the custom blocklists section and also restart my launcher frequently.

Anyways, I opened this thread with the expectation that the devs will notice and fix their browser. Maybe this is not happening anyways and maybe fixing content blockers just is not one of your priorities since it has been years since it has been like this.

I am uninstalling Brave and this would be the last update from me now in this post. Unless months later I suddenly get the bad idea of trying out Brave again on phone maybe.

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