PDF links result in "Invalid or corrupted PDF file"

Description of the issue:
Several sites with PDF links result in “Invalid or corrupted PDF file”. Even when right-clicking and downloading the file to disk results in a 4kB file and Adobe Acrobat says it’s corrupted. I saw a similar issue and the team has recognized this as possibly not having the extension, but my right-click Save As also fails so I don’t think it’s the same issue. The file I download has a .pdf extension.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary):

  1. Go to https://www.investecassetmanagement.com/south-africa/professional-investor/en-za/campaign-pages/cautious-managed-fund/
  2. Scroll down a bit to the Quick Links section on the bottom right.
  3. Click any of the PDF links, the error occurs.
  4. Alternatively, right click-Save as and open the file from disk, same error from PDF reader app.

Expected result:
Opens PDF file in browser tab. This happens correctly in Chrome and Edge.

Reproduces how often:
Every time.

Brave Version(about:brave):
Version 0.59.35 Chromium: 72.0.3626.81 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Reproducible on current live release (yes/no):

Additional Information:


i use n0 pdf, i never not use pdf on pc
chmod 111 chattr -i

also why theme browser not set task manager browser :thinking::slightly_smiling_face::yum:

Sorry, but I don’t understand what you mean.

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is ~oftopic sry @Karlossus

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