Password Manager does not allow deletion or edit passwords

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Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. click on any password I want to edit or delete
  2. enter windows password to access password manager
  3. click delete or edit.

Expected result:
A dialogue box pops up that says “password was deleted”. but the password remains. Same result for editing the password.
Brave Version( check About Brave):
Additional Information:

Testing on my end the password manager works without issue with respect to editing/deleting password data. I’m wondering if you have any extensions installed at this time? If so, can you disable/remove those extensions and test again to see if the behavior persists?

Additionally, can you please tell me what OS you’re using?

Upon further investigation this appears to only happen on my work computer, I’m assuming there is a browser security setting within my organization, perhaps in windows, or in “Forti-Client”, or “FortiEDRProtection” that is not allowing the password manager data to be changed, even though it appears that I can access it. Additionally, the “update password” prompts also do not change the password. This is on a Windows 10 enterprise system.

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Thank you for reporting back. And yes that is very likely the situation.

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