Password Manager Bug - Toggle Buttons NOT Working / Not Saving State Settings (Windows 11)

Description of the issue:

Brave Password Manager Settings (toggle button) not saving state settings.

i.e. Toggle ON or OFF to enable or disable is not saving preferences for these settings:

  • Offer to save passwords and passkeys
  • Sign in automatically

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Go to - brave://password-manager/settings
  2. Click the Toggle Button ON or OFF
  3. Refresh Page
  4. After refresh, the toggle settings revert back to their prior state.

Expected result:

Moving the toggle button should save the state / settings.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Version 1.72.77 Chromium: 130.0.6723.31 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)

Additional Information:

I recently reinstalled Brave Beta due to another issue. Since I use a separate password manager, I set up that extension in Brave. After doing that, the first time I logged into a website using my PW manager, I got the pop-up message from Brave, asking if I wanted to save the password.


So, I clicked on “Password Manager” to go to “settings” and disable it.

After doing this, however, the next time I logged into a website, it gave me the password pop-up. Thinking I did something wrong, I went back to brave://password-manager/settings to double check my settings and noticed they reverted.

So, once again, I toggled the options and went back to my browser only to discover that I still keep getting these pop-ups AND, I cannot get the toggle button settings to save which means I get an annoying pop-up, every time I log into a website.



Ok, I just stumbled on a possible solution or workaround but, I still think this is a BUG.

SOLUTION - ONLY click on the TEXT area, NOT on the toggle button, itself.

  • Clicking the toggle moves it but, the changes will not be saved.
  • Clicking the TEXT area moves the toggle and the changes are saved.

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