Password Manager accesses microphone & Microsoft has the information

Password Manager is accessing the mic on HP laptop OS Windows 11; Microsoft has my Brave passwords to all accounts even though I do NOT use its Edge. I was shocked to discover no security between Brave & Microsoft/Windows 11.

Can you elaborate a bit? Where exactly is it that you are seeing your passwords on your PC? Additionally, where are you seeing the password manager access your mic?

Thank you for responding. Please understand I lack the expertise the Brave Community seems to posses. I have basic computer literacy to perform basic functions, but I am not an experienced operator. For example, I know what ‘open source’ means, but I am clueless about using it; I understand nothing about programming or coding, or anything other than how to use email, Amazon, Zoom, social media, & browse websites.

My very 1st observation about the password manager showing up in an unexpected place was on my new—as of July 2024—HP laptop with Windows 11, of which I am not knowledgeable. Previously, I’ve used Windows 7 - 10, but had resisted the free upgrade to 11 until that last laptop finally died its final death, after months of growing more difficult to use. Let me describe that 1st observation:
Upon clicking on the blue window ‘Start’ button, the Screen Menu displays 2 areas, one is Pinned apps, the other is Recommended. It was in the latter, I noticed a record of what I had accessed was being retained regardless of whether it was an app, a .document, a photo, or the password manager. It seemed to cull certain items but did not list every single item. Recently, after purchasing a laminated 4-page 'cheat sheet," I right clicked the ‘Start’ button , clicked settings & turned off the Recommended area from showing anything.

Later, what was shocking to discover was seeing in ‘Privacy and Security :diamonds: Microphone’, at the bottom of the list of apps that have been chosen or not to access the mic, there are 2 items listed, Zoom & Password Manager, noted as having previously accessed the mic; but. there is no option available on that screen to choose to turn OFF. Immediately following on the same screen is ‘Recent Activity’ where I can review microphone access from the last 7 days. It additionally reads, “the most recent access data is also captured in other sections on this page.” Finally, at the end of the page is “Privacy Resources.” At this stage, I click on “Privacy Dashboard.”

Signing into my Microsoft account, I opened the Privacy Dashboard, clicked on ‘Privacy’ & under App Access, I discover the numerous times Password Manager was accessed! This does not mean accessed by mic, but it does maintain a list of the number of times the Password Manager was accessed. I am not necessarily signing into Password Manager to see a forgotten password, but merely signing into an account where my info is auto-signed in & a log of that is noted both on the Privacy dashboard AND on Start Menu’s 'Privacy and Security :diamonds: Microphone" page. Granted, I don’t see my actual passwords, but only that the Password Manager has been accessed by mic & more than one record of times accessed is being maintained. This does not seem secure to me.

I hate Microsoft Edge & have been using Brave for about 3 years, both on my last & now on my current laptops. Virtually everything was blocked, turned OFF, unauthorized, & simply not used by me on my last laptop utilizing Windows 10; I attempted the same measures when I got this Windows 11 laptop, but it seemed to restrict too much preventing reliable performance, so a friend advised I allow permissions on certain apps, like Zoom & Facebook Messenger. Since discovering the recordkeeping of accesses in 2 different places, I have turned OFF all permissions for camera & microphone & will turn them on only with each use requiring them.

Incidentally, I do not own a mobile, so email is my method of communication. I’ve heard about ‘screen shots’ that would make it easier for you to decipher what is happening on… my laptop, but I haven’t a clue how to perform that function. I apologize. In case it isn’t already obvious to you, I am elderly. Please spoon feed me your instructions or advice!

Thank you for your time & attention to my inquiry.

This is an addendum to my lengthy email. Please excuse me for not including the clarification in that.

My primary concern is about the mic being accessed when Password Manager is being used. The fact that records are kept indicating Password Manager was being used may not be especially problematic, but why does the mic need to be accessed when Password Manager is in use? Someone suggested to me that it is via the mic that ‘fingerprinting’ can be used to ‘hear’ the depression of the keys on the keyboard & that is one way of hijacking a person’s information. I have no idea if this is true. I just want to know why the mic is accessed when Password Manager is utilized & what setting do I need to adjust to prevent this from happening again?

Thank you again for your assistance.