Page contents don't load properly after being AFK

Description of the issue:
When I return to Brave after being AFK for a while, the first few tabs don’t display. They just show a gray space with nothing. However I can tell the page actually loaded because clicking where some links would be opens those links. It just doesn’t display anything.
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Have many tabs open in a window
  2. Leave them for a few hours with the window minimized
  3. Return to the window, click one of the (now inactive) tabs

Expected result:
The tab should load
Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.74.51 Chromium: 132.0.6834.160 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Additional Information:
Refreshing does not work. Copying and pasting the same url into the same tab does not work. Pasting into another tab works and the page loads correctly. Leaving the webpage completely by loading any other webpage then using the back button to return to the broken page also works and causes the page to load correctly. Having to do this every day is very cumbersome.

There are probably several thousand strategies and a few hundred thousand tactics, at the minimum, for creating-and-maintaining a website.

Among some combinations of strategies and tactics, some will detect that the website visitor’s Internet browser, has not been active for some ______ seconds | minutes | hours.

And the website will do something, that has an effect - such as you notice as the website visitor. Where, it seems that the browser is not fully responsive . . . but the website has sort of placed your browser in a “User Agent Not Responsive” - holding pattern category.

That can happen, when the user is Away from the Keyboard (AFK) for a while.

I copy the webpage URL address (and paste into a simple text file window, that I keep open for taking notes), close the webpage window, clear cookies and cache (in general, or for the site), and then use a new window to visit the webpage.

Very interesting, thanks for the writeup. I was hoping for a fix but thanks for sharing the workaround.


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Thank you for this creating this browser - #2 by 289wk