Padding on right side is different than the left side of search bar

Description of the issue:

  • Brave Shield/AdBlocker extension padding off when BAT button is removed.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Right click on BAT logo, then click “Hide” or “Remove”.
  2. The Brave Ad Blocker Logo is positioned very far away from the edge of the search bar; unlike the button on the left side (which when clicked says “This site is secure” and other items.

Expected result:

  • I expected equal margin/padding of the left and right buttons. But the Brave Shield is slightly off when BAT is disabled

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Desktop v1.73.97

Additional Information:

  • I know it seems a little insignificant of a bug, but I please ask that you fix the alignment. It is a simple 5 minute coding job as well, so I do not see an issue postponing this until months later. I ask that you do it in the next release. :pray:

Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 9.21.42 PM

Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 9.21.51 PM

What you refer to as the “BAT logo” is the Brave Rewards [icon] button:


Switches that enable / disable various Brave Browser toolbar items - in a Brave Browser New Window, go to:



Your issue might be, more accurately:

Brave Shields button does not adjust right in browser toolbar when Show Brave Rewards button is disabled

Except, that instead of throwing that switch, you performed a right-click on the toolbar’s Brave Rewards [icon] button, and then you selected “Hide” or “Remove”.

So, I am wondering, if the failure to adjust right, occurs when a user performs that right-click method . . . but the failure to adjust right, does NOT occur when a user goes to the settings:


Please test, in order to confirm.

Okay I realized that this extra padding happens regardless of the Brave Rewards logo being enabled or not. So I guess this is a feature of the browser?.. I don’t like the extra padding on the right side though. But I can live with it.

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