OSKResizesVisualViewport no longer exists in flags

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Description of the issue:
The experiment flag OSKResizesVisualViewport doesn’t exist anymore which changes the behaviour of OSK which most older sites do not support, causing their layout to be broken.
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open “brave://flags”
  2. Search “OSKResizesVisualViewport”

Expected result:
OSKResizesVisualViewport flag to be visible. It isn’t even in expired flags.

Brave Version( check About Brave): Brave 1.51.110, Chromium 113.0.5672.77

Mobile Device details Samsung Galaxy S23

Additional Information:
This flag is no longer on Chrome either so it might be related to Chromium version. In that case I would like to request the recovery of that feature since it causes unexpected behaviour in some sites.

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