Opening external Apps

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Brave is forcing my apps to open when I don’t want them to. I am trying to upload to the cloud, my one drive app picker doesn’t work so I am trying to upload thru the browser , but Brave keeps forcing my app to open. HOW do I make this Stop? It should ask me not do it by default.

I am using an android, Samsung.

How can this issue be reproduced?

1.I don’t use any other browser except DDG and they always ask I f I want to open in app, currently having issues with that app now, Dont know how else to reproduce

Expected result:

Mobile Device detailsSamsung Android OS 14

Additional Information:

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You need to go into app info for the one drive app and uncheck the open supported links under defaults.

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I don’t have that. You know where I might find it?

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Look in settings/apps/choose default apps/opening links. Then find the app which you want to stop opening , click it and uncheck open supported links

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