Open Brave InPrivate for Apple macOS


I’m hoping to be able to create a way to open a Brave InPrivate Window.

I’ve done so for Chrome and Microsoft Edge; here’s a link showing how to create an Apple Script as an Application to do so:

I tried that, substituting: “open -a /Applications/Brave\ --args --inprivate” - to no avail.

Any ideas?

Solved it myself for anyone who’s interested.

Follow these instructions, but for Brave, substitute: “open -a /Applications/Brave\ --args --incognito”

Wasn’t looking to do the “private window” but since I do not, yet, know how to find what I am looking for, I just started randomization. I have a Mac and saw yours and figured, who knows I may try it out. I am looking for quite a few answers, so far not much luck, so was nice to see something I might want to do. Thanks for figuring out yourself then sharing.

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