One wallet in multiple devices

I would like to know if i can use one wallet in multiple computer and some mobile device but still receiving BAT on each machines.

I have 5 computer here for my family, i want the brave rewards to be centralized in one wallet (if possible).

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you can link only 4 brave reward in one uphold wallet if you link 5 you get only 4 brave reward first you link

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should the OS be different? can there be all Windows OS? Or should there be all different 1 Windows, 1 Macos, 1 Linux and 1 Android? I have now encountered the connection of the second Windows and 1 android. That is, I logged into my verified uphold in the browser on Windows and in Android. And the BAT did not appear in Uphold. Can you tell me how this is done?

In 5 different computer which 4 of them are Windows OS and 1 of it is Ubuntu OS, what i did, in brave rewards of first computer i copied the Wallet Recovery Key and then i pasted it on other computers.

As of now i only received my BAT in one of my computer.

, you installed wallet from the first computer on all your other 5 browsers? what for?

Because i want the BAT rewards to be centralized in one wallet.

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