Not Receiving Ads on PC?

Briefly describe your issue:
I haven’t been any ads on PC, but on Android I get them all the time. What’s up with that?
Also, I was trying to send this some BAT to my main wallet through brave creators, and I didn’t receive the 35 BATs that I sent… What’s up with that?
What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?
Windows 10 V1.24.86
Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no)
What date did you verify your wallet?
years ago.
Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?
Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)
Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?
Does your device pass the [SafteyNet] check (Android only)?
Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold??


I haven’t been getting ads myself, nor can I see Brave Browser in my Notifications & Actions settings. Please advice on what I should do to enable ads :slight_smile:

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I am still missing 8 months of worth of pay-outs. Now my ads have stopped showing up. I used to get them all the time. Now I am getting maybe 1 or 2 a day if I get them at all.

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Self-tipping (sending BAT from your browser account to your creator account) is STRONGLY discouraged and may cause your account to be flagged and disabled for possible fraud.

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Ads have slowed down considerably in the past week or two. That’s because advertisers aren’t buying as many ads.

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that’s false, I’m getting a fucking ton on my phone. How come I’m getting none on PC. It’s not the advertisers, I’m guessing it’s just very reduced for people with uphold verified, so people don’t cash out, lol…

Yo so anyway How else are you fucking supposed to transfer from wallet to wallet?

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Advertisers buy it a lot.
If you do not possess information, you do not need to draw conclusions and mislead people. I have already told you about this many times.

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I don’t have an Uphold wallet, and I’ve noticed a considerable slowdown in ads. If you’re not getting any at all on your PC, then there is something else going on.

Are you asking about transferring from your Brave wallet to your Uphold wallet, or from your Uphold wallet to another wallet?

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I do possess information, but you refuse to believe it. I’m not going to argue with you further.

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Apparently, in your region, yes, there are few advertising, there are a lot of ads in mine

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