Not received pending BAT - March 8th

Someone could help me , I am verified and I had both tipps and dowloads this month before the freeze period but I didnt receive aything.

Please check [email protected]

Hello @Asad and @chriscat i am waiting the payment but… no… i not received nothing, what can i do??

email: [email protected]

Thanks for all

How can i transfer my creators pending payouts to my uphold? My uphold was connected and already verified with my ID proof on Feb26 2019. But I’m seeing 0 BAT in my uphold.

Did i make anything wrong? I’m new to the cryptocurrency. Sorry for anything i made as mistake.

Could anyone please help me with that?

As far i understood from the above conversation, the same issues for many users.

Many thanks in advance…

i dont see any update

Why you writing to some users “update for you soon” and for other “you have to contact [email protected]” ???

I think soon it is maybe 1 or 2 or 3 days or week

The payouts is still going?

Where was message about stop paying(

Hi there, I still not receiving the bat that I must received. my Uphold account is Verified member …
Please help me thanks!

hello very good since February 14 check my account uphold and I would like that I could check my brave.
My brave creator account is [email protected]

Pending payout help please

Hello, can you send me a private message with your publisher account? I can look into it :). Thanks.

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NOTICE: For everyone who has still not received their payments, please try logging into your publisher account now. If there is a notice, please follow the instructions there.

Thank you.

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@Asad and @chriscat im inside of my account, i have not an advise, only appear that my pending payment will be in APRIL =) Can help me?? Thanks

Sure, what is your YouTube channel or website? I can try to look into your account. Thanks.

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@chriscat i worked very hard with this project and i promoved brave to lot persons, maybe this will be a problem. Thanks, i wait your response =)

@chriscat Hi there my publisher email is [email protected] and now im trying to access my account to check… It said that my account is under review… I cannot access and my channel site is

Hello admin
I just accessed my account and there is no warning.
Only my pending payment is

I already sent my account to you privately

I can also cheacar my account happened for the same. My channel is

my user is [email protected]

@djbb Please log into your account to see the notice, and follow the instructions there. I cannot help you here anymore, thanks!

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