No payouts for May or June contacted support in July now my account is flagged

Briefly describe your issue:
I made a support ticket on July 10th with the following information:

I have brave on my on my desktop, my laptop, my android tablet and my android phone. I have all four devices connected to my Gemini account and have not received rewards from any of my browsers for the months May or June. The information I submitted in my support request was for my desktop computer. I can send the browser information for my laptop and android devices as needed. Since there was not a way to add additional devices to this support request and the instructions did not cover whether requests should be sent separately.

I received this response from support on July 17th
Thank you for reaching out to Brave Support. We have reviewed your case and expect to have your issue fully resolved before next month’s payout.

Please note, any missed payment for last month will be included in your August scheduled payout.

Thanks again for your patience on this matter

My support request ticket number is : 206582

Today my Gemini account was logged out and it is also flagged.

I am using a vpn on my devices. It is surfshark and most often I connect through, Kansas city, or denver because they are fast but sometimes I connect through a random location because that is where it happens to connect. I have been using my VPN for several years and have always used it with brave.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? Windows 11 1.56.20

**Who is your verified custodian?**Gemini

Are you in a supported region? Yes, USA, Nebraska


I did not receive the payment for June and July

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You do realize that payments aren’t finished yet, right? They have it globally pinned at the very top page of this site for all to see. It says still processing. Link to topic is Ads Payout Status Update

So it’s still possible you can get it this month.

This might require a different ticket as it may be a different issue. But at least support can pull up your info perhaps with the ticket number you provided.

Just give it a bit of time. I’ll tag in @steeven and @Evan123 in case they can check in on it and see what happened. Especially since you’re saying reply is it had been resolved but then suddenly it seems has been flagged.

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Thank you for the response. I do realize that the rewards for this month are still processing. I was more concerned that my account was flagged after the fact and wasn’t sure if the two issues were connected. I also wasn’t sure if I need to submit another ticket yet. I don’t want to bombard support (I work in IT support myself and typed that message between calls). Sorry if there was any confusion.

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Thanks both. @Stackiemon can you send me your original ticket number?

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I see it now thanks to @Saoiray, will review in the morning.


206582 is my original Ticket number. Thanks again!

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Algo similar me viene sucediendo a mi desde hace tiempo, y por lo que veo, las intenciones de Brave son las de no pagar las recompensas. Mi cuenta tambien ha sido marcada sin explicacion alguna, porque la politica de Brave es no dar explicaciones, una norma perfecta para robar impunemente. Recibi un email hace tiempo, del que ahora no quieren saber nada, que justo dice lo que lees en la entrada de Saoiray: “Gracias por comunicarse …”; no es mas que bla, bla, bla … realmente nada porque como te digo, se lo he venido recordando pero obtengo la callada por respuesta.
No nos engañemos, de un tiempo a aqui el pago de recompensas no es sino una estafa.


3rd or 4th month in a row that I did’t get a dime. Last month I raised a ticket and shared it in a proper post created by @Saoiray I believe, here ate the community (ticket # 206662). The case was reviewed and expected to be corrected by this month’s payout, but, once again, nothing. This is getting ridiculous at this point, every single month having to raise ticket after ticket and waiting for an extra month of payments that never come… I know these are automated systems, but something seriously needs to be changed/addressed/corrected…
This is literally my last ditch effort at staying as a user of the program. Next month I’ll just turn every single brave ads thing off if I don’t get my due payments back. What’s the point anyways, if you’re lucky you’re getting a couple of cents, and in my case, not even that. I’m well aware that I don’t make a difference in the grand scheme of things, but hey, at least in my head I’ll feel like I did…
I have now raised yet another ticket regarding this situation (ticket # 214307).
If anything, I apologize to those who really seem to try their best for the frustrated rant, such as the person I tagged…


Muy bien planteada la situacion, que vemos esta bastante extendida y llueve sobre mojado porque llevamos con problemas mas de un año, sin solucion alguna porque la politica de Brave es no responder ni dar explicacion alguna, pero para eso estan los foros, para sacar los colores a quien lo merece, que es el caso. Al igual que tu, a punto de dar de baja el navegador en mis dispositivos, ya que esto suena a mentira burda y peregrina.

I also have the same problem, I didn’t receive brave rewards in June and Juli. And my Brave rewards account is flagged? Why?
I use Brave since a couple of years.

I have an apple macbook pro. And my device is connected to Uphold.

Please can you help me?

Thanks in advance

Recibo un email de Brave pidiendome una captura de pantalla de mi ultimo pago en Uphold. Obviamente me he negado, ya que hace meses que no me abonan las recompensas y es evidente que eso ya lo he hecho unas cuantas veces, por lo que entiendo que si sigo su juego me diran que el mes que viene me abonan todas las recompensas, algo que ya he leido hace semanas. Asi funciona Brave. UNA ESTAFA.

No te va a ayudar nadie. Te van a pedir un monton de datos con el objetivo de aburrirte, que tampoco serviran de nada, ya que el mes siguiente seguiran sin pagarte y cuando reclames te pediran mas datos. Brave miente.

Hey! It looks like someone is working with as recently as this morning on your issue. Please respond to the ticket with the requested information and we will be happy to sort it out for you. Thanks!

El ticket lleva tiempo abierto. Se me indico hace semanas que el problema estaba resuelto y para no varias ha sido mentira, por lo que me niego a facilitar mas datos ya que he facilitado todos.
Sabeis de sobra que esta incidencia es general, el IMPAGO de las recompensas y solo tratais de ganar tiempo pidiendo datos que ya teneis. No colaboro mas, o me abonais las recompenas desde el tiempo que hace que no me las pagais o por aqui tendreis noticias mias, pero … os aseguro que no recomendaria Brave a nadie. Las irregularidades con los pagos son permanentes, de forma que ya es algo sospechoso.

Brave sigue enviandome correos electronicos pidiendome capturas de pantalla y datos innecesarios para acreditar lo que hace tiempo esta mas que acreditado. El objetivo es ganar tiempo. Hace poco recibi un email indicandome que habian detectado el problema (nunca lo hubo, se dejaron de pagar las recompensas a capricho) y que estaria resuelto este mes, incluyendo los BATs no abonados meses atras, algo que obviamente no ha sucedido. Ahora pretenden una vuelta a empezar … Me niego. Brave es una mentira.

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I see recent responses on all the tickets provided in this thread.

@Robert66 - My DMs are open with you if you’d like to continue this conversation. Please reach out to me directly if you have any additional concerns. Thank you. Closing this out.