No ads in Romania

Description of the issue:
I have Brave on more than 5 devices and for some reason the ads suddenly stopped after 10th May. It s a problem that extended on more devices(Windows and Android). Before that date everything went perfect ~ 15/16 ads per day.
Maybe the partnerships of Brave stopped sending ads here in Romania.

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):


  1. Note that you may only connect a maximum of 3 devices to your Uphold account. Meaning that 2/5 devices you are viewing ads on will not be eligible to withdraw funds from.
  2. Also note that just because you’re not seeing ads as frequently as you were previously does not mean that anything is necessarily wrong. How long has it been since you’ve seen an ad on eithe rdevice?

I m not having any connection beetwen the devices.
I have not seen any ad for 5 days.

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