Description of the issue:
Since the playlist’s revamp, I can’t launch apps from the app suggestion widget (the one you get when you swipe top to bottom in the menu/lock screen) while playing a video from the playlist in the background.
It used to work in the older playlist.
How can this issue be reproduced?
- Activate video in playlist, lock the phone.
- Unlock phone and stay in the home screen, swipe down to access the iPhone’s “quick launch menu” (the part on top that shows suggestions of recently/most used apps)
- Launch any app from that list aside from Brave (I use WhatsApp or my gym’s app, doesn’t seem to matter).
- The video stops playing in the background.
Expected result:
Up until the playlist’s revamped look, the video would keep playing in the background.
**Brave Version( check About Brave
): 1.71 (125)
Mobile Device details
iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 18.1.
Additional Information:
I like to use this feature, since it doesn’t show the video on screen in a small window that way, avoiding the extra step of minimizing the video and having it play in the background as pure audio.