New MacBook air with M3 chip and Sequoia not compatible?

Description of the issue: Upgraded to new MacBook Air with M3 chip and sequoia OS. Tried to use Brave and it wouldn’t work so I tried the app store. The app isn’t there anymore. Then went to the website for Brave and downloaded it. I’m unable to proceed after that in putting it in the applications folder as the error message says: “The operation can’t be completed because some items had to be skipped. For each item, choose File > Get Info, make sure “Locked” is deselected, and then check the Sharing & Permissions section. When you are sure the items are unlocked and not designated as Read Only or No Access, try again.”

None of this actually makes sense when following those instructions. At least I can’t figure it out.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3. Downloaded the app but once I used my fingerprint to verify and said to overwrite the old version of Brave, I got the error message above and don’t know what to do with that.

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

Expected result: I thought I’d be able to use Brave but I can’t.

Reproduces how often: Always

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu): Most recent version of Brave on 15.1

Additional Information: I’m hoping there IS a way to use Brave on my new Mac. I’ve grown very fond of the browser and the privacy associated with it.

Locate the “BraveSoftware” folder:

/Users/username/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/

Back up that folder. You might also .zip compress that folder.

Be sure to place the backup(s) somewhere that is NOT within the BraveSoftware folder and its subfolders* installation paths.

Good place, is an external drive.

Where Brave Browser has usually been installed on the Mac:


/Users/username/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/

/Users/username/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/Brave Browser ... .plist




/Users/username/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Brave Browser ... .crash


/Users/username/Library/Saved Application State/com.brave.Browser.savedState/

And the “Brave Browser … .diag” reports within:


You might not find:


. . . do not worry about that.

That information is a guide, in case you decide to completely remove the Brave Browser installation.

I would remove everything in the list, above, EXCEPT the BraveSoftware folder (and its contents):

/Users/username/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware

Leave that BraveSoftware folder (and its contents) intact, for now.

Exit / Quit everything and Shut Down the Mac.

Be prepared: Read how to run a Safe Mode startup for a Chip:

And be sure to scroll down that webpage, to include your reading:

" Verify your Mac started up in safe mode"

When starting in Safe Mode, let the desktop window display and then wait 3 minutes.

Then restart the Mac.

Go to:

Scroll down to:


Download that installer to your Mac’s Downloads folder:


Double-click on that installer, where it is within the Downloads folder.

That should work, if the aforementioned BraveSoftware folder is healthy enough.

If the above (first attempt) steps do not work . . . then repeat the steps BUT FIRST, MOVE THE BraveSoftware folder to the Desktop, so on this second attempt, Brave will create a whole new BraveSoftware folder.

That second effort should work. IF it does, you can copy the Bookmarks and Bookmarks.BAK files from the backup that you made.